Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
ALPHAPG.ZIP | Yes | 174498 | 9/21/1993 | The DPD Alphanumeric Paging Software (Data Processing Directions, Ltd.; $18) is designed to perform batch operation of message transmission from a PC to a message carrier via a Hayes compatible modem. |
CALLID.ZIP | Yes | 34671 | 9/27/1993 | CallID 1.01 (JCS/SYS Software; $0) captures caller ID information from the Supra FAXmodem and displays the calling number, date, and time of the incoming call. Requires Supra FAXModem 1.71 or later and caller ID service from your phone company. |
DIALER23.ZIP | Yes | 114695 | 8/26/1993 | Dialer 2.3 (GRH Software, ASP; $15-$25) is a telephone autodialer with call timer, notepad, log that saves name, date, time and your notes, macros, unlimited capacity, quick search and find, support for long number sequences and more. Requires a Hayes compatible modem. |
HISPED2.ZIP | Yes | 26926 | 9/12/1993 | HiSpeed (John J. Speth; $0) lets you transfer files between computers at high speeds over a null modem cable. |
MDIC20.ZIP | Yes | 54530 | 9/10/1993 | Modem Dictionary 2.0 (R. Scott Perry; $0) contains definitions of over 730 words related to modems and BBSs. |
MYCMM210.ZIP | Yes | 149628 | 8/9/1993 | MyComm 2.1 (Ken Dorshimer; $25) is a good, basic telecommunications program. |
PS101.ZIP | Yes | 291931 | 9/21/1993 | Phone Secretary 1.01 manages an auto fax/modem/Answering machine on one line. Formerly: "Private Secretary". |
SAPTRK.ZIP | Yes | 83878 | 9/12/1993 | SAPTrack (RealTech Systems Corp.; $0) tracks SAP and RIP broadcasts on a LAN. Windows display the contents of the packets and measure update intervals. Stable, warning, and alarm conditions are indicated by color codes. |
TELESHAR.ZIP | Yes | 1098915 | 9/7/1993 | TeleShare/DOS 2.0 is a remote support and access system. It allows you to run one PC from another over the telephone with very little RAM overhead. |
TH331.ZIP | Yes | 91461 | 8/30/1993 | TinyHost 3.31 permits logging onto a computer from a remote site without having to install a large, complex BBS system. |
THP111.ZIP | Yes | 104722 | 8/30/1993 | TinyHost Plus 1.11 (Bruce A. Krobusek; $25) is an enhanced version of TinyHost, personal, Host/BBS program. This program includes all the features of TinyHost, plus time-out provisions, personal directory support, recent activity statistics, and call out capability. |
XCAL3.ZIP | Yes | 159534 | 9/8/1993 | x-Cal3 3.13 is a network calendar system for individuals, workgroups, meeting scheduling, etc. |
XCON3.ZIP | Yes | 160295 | 9/8/1993 | x-Con3 1.33 is a network contacts management program. Features include group and private contacts management, group access security, configurable prompts and lookup tables, phone dialer, and comprehensive printouts with label printing. |
XFILE3.ZIP | Yes | 152773 | 9/8/1993 | x-File3 1.63 is a network file management program. It provides an easy means for network users to access public files for the purpose of listing, viewing, uploading, and downloading shared files. |
XFONE3.ZIP | Yes | 137370 | 9/8/1993 | x-Fone3 1.93 is a network phone directory system. Features include flexible tracking of company phone directory information. |
XFORUM3.ZIP | Yes | 156790 | 9/8/1993 | x-Forum3 1.1 allows easy-to-use message conferencing among network users. |
XNEWS3.ZIP | Yes | 37320 | 9/8/1993 | x-News3 1.21 is a network news login system. It provides an easy-tomaintain method of displaying company news, information, notices, announcements, and bulletins to network users. Features include automatic tracking of notices per user (login date/time), standard and required notices, and more. |
XOUT3.ZIP | Yes | 140599 | 9/8/1993 | x-Out3 1.24 is a network in/out tracking system. It offers an easy means for network users to track office in/out status. |
XSKED3.ZIP | Yes | 151998 | 9/8/1993 | x-Sked3 1.44 is a network scheduling system for rooms, resources and events. |